Monday, September 10, 2012

All About Me!


My name is Courtney Harbin and I am from Knoxville, Tennessee. I grew up in a grand little town called Halls and I graduated from Halls High School in 2009. I have always loved Knoxville, for the most part, so I decided to stay close to home for college and attend the University of Tennessee. I am now a senior at UT studying psychology and elementary education. I start my internship in Anderson County in the fall of 2013. I have recently decided to be additionally endorsed in the middle grades so when I finish my program I will be certified in K-8. I do not want to wish away my senior year but I cannot wait to start my internship!

Why did I choose elementary education? I get this question a lot to tell you the truth. People are always telling me 'You won't make enough money to make a living' and 'Those kids are going to drive you crazy and you won't want any kids of your own'.  I wish I had a penny for every time someone has tried to talk me out of teaching; I would be very wealthy to say the least. So to answer the question, I want to become a teacher because I love children and I love teaching. That sounds cliche but I that's the reason. I have always had a passion for working with children and I realized that pursuing a career in teaching was the perfect opportunity to have a job that I will love waking up to every day.

If you hang around me for more than 15 minutes you will quickly learn that I am always on the go. If I am not in school or at work I am trying to find something to do to fill my free time. I don't like lounging around or being by myself so I am always with friends or family finding something to do. I love being outside so I try to go to the lake or pool as much as possible. If I am not outside I a pinterest-aholic and I have probably made enough crafts to decorate my entire apartment complex. I also enjoy cooking, or attempting to cook. I am still working out a few kinks but I am starting to get the hang of it. That's about all you need to know about me for now!

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