Monday, October 22, 2012

Midpoint Check

Integrating technology in the classroom is a challenge! I never imagined there would be so many opportunities to use the internet to enhance learning. I have enjoyed learning about all of the internet tools thus far and I believe it will be a great source of knowledge as I begin teaching. I have spoke to several teachers about integrating technology in the classroom and they all agree that they wish they had the opportunity to take a technology course. I am excited and looking forward to learning more about integrating technology in the classroom!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Resource Wiki

As I have mentioned in an earlier post, a Wiki is a simple way to share information with friends, family, or anyone that has access to your Wiki. In my technology class we are creating a Wiki that will be a great resource for us as future teachers. My groups Wiki is for an elementary school teacher. We have divided our Wiki into the subjects we will teach in the future. Under each subject we post a website and give a brief description of how we could use the site. We also have a teacher's only page that lists websites that gives advice or ideas for teachers to use in the classroom. This will be a great tool for all of us to hang on to in the future. The good news is that it is online so we do not have to worry about losing any of the information. All we need is the internet and we will have access to a ton of great ideas!

More Technology!

Before my technology class, I was aware of a few tools on the internet that I could use to share information with friends and family. Most of these tools included social media such as Facebook and Twitter. I had no idea that tools like Wiki and Google Docs could be used to share information in similar ways.

Google Docs
I became familiar with Google Docs when I first joined a sorority. We would send them out to sign up for t-shirts and various events. Other than a sign up list I did not think much about them. During my technology course I learned that you could use Google Docs to create a grocery list, plan a trip, or edit a paper! Google Docs gives you the ability to upload or create files on the site and then invite friends to join you and add on, edit, or erase the document. The possibilities with Google Docs is endless and I have become addicted to this tool. You should try it out for yourself!

A Wiki is very similar to a Google Doc. You can share information and invite others to join in on the process. The main difference is that Wikis are everywhere!  Google Docs are for personal use while creating a Wiki is like creating your own website for anyone and everyone to see. You can create a Wiki for any topic you like with anyone you like. The process is simple and all you need to do is create, edit and save! I recommend using Wikis in the classroom for presenting or sharing group projects with the other students in the classroom. This is just one out of a thousand ways you can use Wiki in your classroom.

  • Have you ever used a Google Doc or Wiki in a class? If so, how did you use it?
  • What are creative ways you can use these tools in the classroom?

Web 2.0 Tool


I recently participated in an activity that allowed me to explore a web 2.0 tool. The tool that was assigned to my group is called Storybird. I had never heard of the tool before the project but I will not forget about it in the future. The site is filled with tons of storybirds that you can browse through and share with friends and family. What is the most unique about storybird? You can actually create your own storybird! It is easy to start your own storybird all you need is a little creativity. Once you are done you can publish it and share with everyone. You can even have you storybird printed as a book. I was impressed with the web 2.0 tool. This will be an excellent tool to use in my future classroom!

  • Have you ever used storybird in a classroom?
  • What are some creative ideas to incorporate storybird in the classroom?

Friday, October 12, 2012

Inquiry Based Research

The internet is becoming a common feature in classrooms across the country. Elementary school students today have never lived without computers and high speed internet. That makes it even more important to incorporate technology into the classroom as much as possible. Using technology in the classroom will enhance children's learning because it will capture their attention and make learning fun.

The inquiry based research activity is an easy way to allow your students to use the internet. Creating an inquiry based activity is very simple and also allows you to control the websites the students access. The first step to create your inquiry based activity is to find a safe, user friendly website. The website could include videos, facts, or just games. Once you choose the activity you can create a detailed instruction page that includes the URL of the website you chose. The next step it to create a worksheet or quiz to go along with the website infomation. You can allow your students to work individually or collaborate. Here is an example of an inquiry based activity:

I really enjoy inquiry based activities and I think they are an excellent way to incorporate technology in the classroom. Try one out for yourself!


  • What are other simple ways to bring technology into the classroom?
  • Have you ever used an inquiry based activity?
  • If so, do you think they are effective?

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Bringing Technology to the Classroom

Are you looking for an easy way to incorporate technology into your classroom? Webquests are the way to go! A webquest is a fun, interactive activity for students of all grades and curriculums. I recently explored webquests by completing a webquest. The best way to learn is to jump in and try one out for yourself. All you have to do is go to and start exploring.

Why Use a WebQuest?
WebQuests are fun and exciting and there is bound to be a webquest out there to fit your needs. A webquest includes an introduction, task, process, evaluation, and conclusion. The introduction introduces the students to the webquest and gives the background of the activity. The task gives a detailed description of what the students should accomplish. The process section gives the students directions to complete the quest. A webquest also provides an evaluation for the activity and a conclusion to wrap up the activity. Webquests allow students to work together, brainstorm, and think on a higher level to complete the quest. I believe that webquests are a great way to bring technology to the classroom and I highly recommend the activity!