Friday, October 12, 2012

Inquiry Based Research

The internet is becoming a common feature in classrooms across the country. Elementary school students today have never lived without computers and high speed internet. That makes it even more important to incorporate technology into the classroom as much as possible. Using technology in the classroom will enhance children's learning because it will capture their attention and make learning fun.

The inquiry based research activity is an easy way to allow your students to use the internet. Creating an inquiry based activity is very simple and also allows you to control the websites the students access. The first step to create your inquiry based activity is to find a safe, user friendly website. The website could include videos, facts, or just games. Once you choose the activity you can create a detailed instruction page that includes the URL of the website you chose. The next step it to create a worksheet or quiz to go along with the website infomation. You can allow your students to work individually or collaborate. Here is an example of an inquiry based activity:

I really enjoy inquiry based activities and I think they are an excellent way to incorporate technology in the classroom. Try one out for yourself!


  • What are other simple ways to bring technology into the classroom?
  • Have you ever used an inquiry based activity?
  • If so, do you think they are effective?

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