Monday, October 15, 2012

More Technology!

Before my technology class, I was aware of a few tools on the internet that I could use to share information with friends and family. Most of these tools included social media such as Facebook and Twitter. I had no idea that tools like Wiki and Google Docs could be used to share information in similar ways.

Google Docs
I became familiar with Google Docs when I first joined a sorority. We would send them out to sign up for t-shirts and various events. Other than a sign up list I did not think much about them. During my technology course I learned that you could use Google Docs to create a grocery list, plan a trip, or edit a paper! Google Docs gives you the ability to upload or create files on the site and then invite friends to join you and add on, edit, or erase the document. The possibilities with Google Docs is endless and I have become addicted to this tool. You should try it out for yourself!

A Wiki is very similar to a Google Doc. You can share information and invite others to join in on the process. The main difference is that Wikis are everywhere!  Google Docs are for personal use while creating a Wiki is like creating your own website for anyone and everyone to see. You can create a Wiki for any topic you like with anyone you like. The process is simple and all you need to do is create, edit and save! I recommend using Wikis in the classroom for presenting or sharing group projects with the other students in the classroom. This is just one out of a thousand ways you can use Wiki in your classroom.

  • Have you ever used a Google Doc or Wiki in a class? If so, how did you use it?
  • What are creative ways you can use these tools in the classroom?

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