Thursday, October 11, 2012


Bringing Technology to the Classroom

Are you looking for an easy way to incorporate technology into your classroom? Webquests are the way to go! A webquest is a fun, interactive activity for students of all grades and curriculums. I recently explored webquests by completing a webquest. The best way to learn is to jump in and try one out for yourself. All you have to do is go to and start exploring.

Why Use a WebQuest?
WebQuests are fun and exciting and there is bound to be a webquest out there to fit your needs. A webquest includes an introduction, task, process, evaluation, and conclusion. The introduction introduces the students to the webquest and gives the background of the activity. The task gives a detailed description of what the students should accomplish. The process section gives the students directions to complete the quest. A webquest also provides an evaluation for the activity and a conclusion to wrap up the activity. Webquests allow students to work together, brainstorm, and think on a higher level to complete the quest. I believe that webquests are a great way to bring technology to the classroom and I highly recommend the activity!

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