Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Are you looking for a more 'green' way for your students to create posters and flyers? Look no more! Glogster is the perfect web 2.0 tool to create online presentations. Glogster is an online resource that allows you to create virtual posters or flyers that are called glogs. The glogs are an excellent tool for teachers or students to present information. The website allows you to select a template to begin your glog. You can then drop in pictures, video clips, sound, links, or text. The possibilities with glogster are endless.

Glogster is an easy tool to incorporate in your classroom. Teachers can use glogs to share information with students and allow them to use computers. Glogs are also an excellent way for students to present information with the class. I plan on using glogs for my students to share what they have learned with the class. Students can work in groups to gather information on a particular subject. Once they have gathered information and pictures the group can create a poster and present it to the class. Glogster gives not only gives students an opportunity to use technology it saves expenses on poster supplies.

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