Saturday, November 24, 2012

Interactive Whiteboards

Using an interactive whiteboard in the classroom is an excellent way to engage students through technology. You can create a flip chart for any subject you can imagine. The unique tools offered through ActivInspire allow the students to interact with the material presented on each slide. An interactive whiteboard is a great tool for the classroom and the flipcharts can even be accessed from your computer at home! That means that teachers can work on their flipcharts at home or you can post your flipcharts on your classroom website so your students can review the material at home.
Interactive whiteboards are a great resource for teachers to have in a classroom. The ActivInspire software is even free so teachers can create hundreds of flipcharts with no cost. Learning how to use ActivInspire and the interactive whiteboards has been my favorite part of the technology course thus far. I believe that interactive whiteboards are going to be a classroom essential within the next few years and necessary for teachers to know how to use the software.

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